Meet the New Baby! (With New Parent Gift Ideas!)

So, here you are, with a new baby added to your crew! You waited so patiently through the pregnancy, attended the shower, gave your well wishes, and now it is time to meet the baby! Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Be thoughtful.
If the new parents are sleep deprived (very possible!), make your visit quick or offer to sit with the new baby while they shower. If there are older siblings, they may need some love. Offer to take them outside for a walk or play a game just with them. Whatever you do, make it fun and exciting.
Be prepared.
Parents will appreciate a little love for the other kids. Bring a gift that celebrates their new status.
We have some great ideas for gifts and you don’t need to know sizes or names. Our favorite is the Big Sister and Big Brother baseball Cap which coordinate perfectly with our Baby Brother + Baby Brother knot caps. Find these baby gift ideas and much more in the Baby gifts section of our store!